Thanks to its extensive experience and product range, Gambarotta Gschwendt srl aims to provide solutions to any need regarding mechanical hauling of loose bulk material in cement, gypsum industry, metallurgical, mining industry, chemical, food processing industry and materials recycling industry
In several industrial sectors, the need for vertically lifting free flowing bulk material, of any type and size, can be satisfied by the various types of bucket elevators designed and manufactured by Gambarotta Gschwendt.
Gambarotta è rivenditore di catene e componenti RUD in Italia, gruppi e componenti di sollevamento in acciaio Inox AISI 316L per applicazioni speciali e catene a piatti e ruote quali componenti per macchine per il sollevamento
The procedures adopted by Gambarotta Gschwendt include filing of all data relative to manufactured machines, by linking the data to the machine’s basic code.